Mi-24 Hind Helicopter Company (TSBX04)

Mi-24 Hind Helicopter Company
Includes two Mi-24 Hind Helicopters, two plastic Flight Stands and eight Rare-earth Magnets.

The Mi-24 Hind is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. 

Check out the Mi-24 Hind in the online store here...

A new global political divide was formed between the Communist East and Democratic West.The West formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1949, and in response the Warsaw Pact was formed by the Soviet Union and its allies, including East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Poland in 1955. The Soviet Union’s and Warsaw Pact's most powerful forces are poised on the border with West Germany ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Soon the western workers will be free and the dawn of a new socialist age will begin!

Click here to learn more about World War III: Soviet...

Click here to learn more about World War III: Warsaw Pact...

World War III: SovietWorld War III: Warsaw Pact 

The Mi-24 Hind Helicopters
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
TSBX04 - Hind Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04) Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04) Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04) Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04) Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)

Mi-24 Hind Contents
Plastic Hind Sprues (x2)
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04) Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)
Flight Stands (x2)  
Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04) Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)

Assembling the Mi-24 Hind

Mi-24 Hind (x2) (TSBX04)

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